Sunday, May 02, 2010

How does my garden grow, week 2

Sullivan. He's a great little boy. Great fun, always wanting kisses and cuddles yet very good at entertaining himself. He's playing 'This Little Piggy' in this picture.

I took these photos last Tuesday, things have changed since then. In the small yogurt pots are tomatoes and french beans. The larger yogurt pots have got butternut squash and courgettes. In the middle you can see my chillis, dwarf french beans and two herb pots. I'm really enjoying gardening this year. Nurturing these tiny seedlings is becoming an important part of my day, satisfying and rewarding as well calming and soothing.
Below you can see the children's beans and the newspaper pots I made. These pots are great, cheap, recycled and totally biodegradable (although I'm not sure about the chemicals in the printing ink). You just have to be careful not to rip them once they are damp...don't ask!

This is my little wall mounted basket, usually it has some sort of trailing flower in it but this year we have salad leaves. I thought it would be great on wet, grey days to be able to open the front door and harvest myself a sunny summer salad. The seedlings seem to like the warmth reflected from the bricks and are growing well.

I've been shown into the dark side. I've experimented with dyeing yarn using plants. Today I did my first ever dye job using dandelions, Thanks Helen. Photos to follow, along with a knitting and spinning update.

My big girl, Emilia went on her first Brownie holiday this weekend. She was so worried that school told me to take her home after she ran out of school after I had left her in her classroom. Luckily someone we know found her looking for me and kept her until I came out of Maddie's class!
She had some tears getting on the minibus, but Maddie cried more! I didn't cry, but wanted to. She had a great time abseiling, climbing, fencing, singing around a camp fire and watching fireworks. The weekend was organised to celebrate 100 years of Girl Guiding in the UK and was attended by Brownies from all over Devon. I am so proud of her, I don't think I'd have been able to get on the bus!
Off to bed now, had too many late nights recently....
Oh, one last thing. Don't forget to vote next Thursday. It really is important to have your say.


picperfic said...

Sullivan is delicious, I would have to scrumble him up and kiss him! I love all your growings, that hanging basket is a good idea. We have loads of strawberry plants and are going to try one of those upside down hanging baskets for them. Oh and we will be voting!!

Unknown said...

Oh my what an adorable child look at that sweet sweet face :)
Your garden looks like its coming right along...
Thank you for visiting me today.. I hope you come back sometime soon :)